100% pure naturally grown premium Vermont saffron
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Green Mountain Saffron is a 2-person, organic farm located in Jericho Center, VT. We started growing Crocus Sativa in 2017, after becoming intrigued by UVM's ground-breaking research into growing this precious spice in Vermont. We planted 2,000 organic corms in late August, 2017, and harvested our first Saffron threads - the stigmas - in October of the same year! We grow in an open field, in semi-raised beds using natural fertilizers and no chemicals. We harvest by hand and naturally dry and cure the saffron for 3 months before making it available for sale.
Green Mountain Saffron-Jericho, Vermont 05465      peter@greenmountainsaffron.com
100% pure naturally grown premium Vermont saffron
Check back as we add photos and product for sale in the very near future
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Green Mountain Saffron is a 2-person, organic farm located in Jericho Center, VT. We started growing Crocus Sativa in 2017, after becoming intrigued by UVM's ground- breaking research into growing this precious spice in Vermont. We planted 2,000 organic corms in late August, 2017, and harvested our first Saffron threads - the stigmas - in October of the same year! We grow in an open field, in semi-raised beds using natural fertilizers and no chemicals. We harvest by hand and naturally dry and cure the saffron for 3 months before making it available for sale.
Green Mountain Saffron-Jericho, Vermont 05465      greenmountainsaffron@gmail.com